New, Three-Year Field Trial Results on the Efficacy of XylPhi-PD™ for Pierce’s Disease Prevention and Control


Palo Alto, CA – December 9, 2021– A&P Inphatec, a specialist developer of bacteriophages, announces the release of important new three-year commercial field trial data on the efficacy of XylPhi-PD™, the biologically-based reduction of Pierce’s disease (PD) in grapevines.

XylPhi-PD(EPA Reg. No. 93909-1) is EPA-registered and is commercially available through Wilbur-Ellis Agribusiness locations. XylPhi-PD™ is OMRI-listed and approved for use in organic production.

An early-order discount is currently available for XylPhi-PD (Early Order Program)

A Virtual Field Day (see video link below) was held in October 2021 at a leading commercial vineyard in Sonoma, California with a history of high PD. Field Trial Specialists Amy Ritchardson and Sarah Atwood (from Wilbur-Ellis and A&P Inphatec) walk the vineyard, perform visual disease assessments, and review results. XylPhi-PD reduced detectable Xylella fastidiosa by 55 percent, increased fruit yield by 17 percent and prevented new infections by 80 to 100 percent.

Additional information on XylPhi-PD and A&P Inphatec is available on

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