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Transitioning from Hand to Machine Harvesting of Blueberries for Fresh Market

Figure 1. A front view of Oxbo over-the-row (OTR) blueberry harvester (all photos courtesy F. Takeda.)

Blueberry production acreage in the U.S. is expanding. Across the country, commercial blueberry growers are increasingly using over-the-row (OTR) mechanical harvesters (MH) to pick their blueberries for fresh market (Figure 1). Growers everywhere are experiencing difficulties in finding sufficient labor for hand harvest operations and due to the rising costs of labor. Harvesting blueberries with OTR harvesters can significantly reduce the overall cost of harvesting to a fraction of that needed for hand harvesting (HH) and workers needed for harvest operations from about 500 hours of labor per acre per year to as little as three hours of labor per acre per year. However, compared to hand harvesting, OTR harvesting causes more berry loss due to falling on the ground and green/red berries are harvested along with ripe, blue fruit.

Detailed field testing of OTR harvesters for picking blueberries for the fresh market was conducted nearly 30 years ago in Michigan. That research in South Haven, Mich. evaluated the quality of blueberries harvested by hand and by four rotary and slapper harvesters that were used by growers at that time to harvest blueberries for processing. MH blueberries were sorted at the packinghouse (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Mechanical harvesting detaches unripe green fruit and clusters that must be sorted out on the grading line.

The most significant findings were a high percentage of detached blueberries had impact damage (Figure 3) and more than 20% of detached blueberries fell on the ground. The bruise damage was attributed to iImpact to the fruit created by the rapid actions of shaking rods and detached berries landing on the hard catching surface. Those studies revealed that blueberries harvested by the machines had a high percentage of blueberries with more than 20% of sliced surface area showing bruise damage (Figure 3 and 4). Also, MH blueberries were much softer compared to hand harvested fruit. Their conclusion was that MH blueberries should not be cold-stored for more than two weeks while HH blueberries could go in controlled atmosphere storage for six weeks and air-shipped to Europe in excellent condition.

Figure 3. Bruise damage caused by mechanical harvesting makes the flesh dark and soft. Half of these berries have excessive bruising.
Figure 4. Sliced examples of mechanically harvested blueberries. From left to right: Fruit with no internal bruise as indicated by no large discolored tissue; Fruit with impact damage at the stem end as indicated by discoloration inside the seed core; Fruit exhibiting damaged area from impact force to that triangular shaped, discolored section; and Discolored area has been highlighted in purple with SketchAndCalc program to calculate bruised area as 17% of the total cut surface area.

Soon after, USDA engineers developed an experimental harvester called the V45 harvester designed specifically to harvest fresh-market blueberries. It used a direct-drive shaker with an angled, double-spike-drum, a unique cane dividing and positioning system to push the canes out diagonally and cushioned catching surfaces to harvest fruit with minimum damage. With the V45 harvester design, the detached blueberries dropped less than 15 inches onto a soft neoprene sheet glued to a hard catch plate and soft sheet over the conveyor belt.

These soft surfaces reduced impact force on the fruit detached by the V45 harvester. However, gluing a soft surface onto a hard surface has proven to show little reduction in bruise damage when harvesting is performed with conventional harvesters with two vertical drum shakers and berries falling more than 30 inches. Only five V45 harvesters were sold by the now defunct B.E.I Inc. (South Haven, Mich.), although it was thought to have good fruit selectivity (low green fruit removal) compared to slapper models, little ground loss (fruiting cane pushed away from the crown) and superior quality over existing commercial harvesters at the time with two vertical drum shakers and either a metal or hard plastic catch surface.

Sometimes, the fruit harvested by the V45 harvester had quality as good as commercially HH fruit. Its limitations were: 1) It needed to be driven much slower to avoid damaging bushes; 2) It could not harvest trellised rows or those with overhead sprinklers; and 3) It could not harvest all varieties, especially those with stiff, upright canes like ‘Jersey’ and many rabbiteye cultivars. The Fulcrum harvester made by A&B Packing Equipment (Lawrence, Mich.) has features like those of the V45 harvester.

In the last ten years or so, U.S. blueberry farmers targeting the fresh market have been facing challenging economic situations (e.g., rising cost of hand picking, shrinking labor force, global competition, etc.) They and other specialty crop farmers have a greater interest in using automation and OTR machines to harvest their crop. The authors of this article have participated in different aspects of machine harvesting and sorting of blueberries to reduce the amount of internal bruise damage and in packing line sorting technology and damage detection systems to improve the quality of packed fruit. Several blueberry MH manufacturers (e.g., Oxbo International, Lynden, Wash.; A&B Packing Equipment, Lawrence, Mich.; BSK, Serbia; and FineFields, the Netherlands) have put more efforts devoted to developing MH systems that would impart low or no bruise damage so that fruits can be packed for fresh market. Following is a summary of recent developments in MH.


Bruised Berries from Mechanical Harvesting

Most OTR harvesters currently available are better suited for harvesting processed blueberries because they can cause excessive fruit damage. However, OTR machines have been used to pick blueberries for fresh market. In these instances, the fruit should be packed and transported to consumers as quickly as possible. When blueberries are HH, typically the picker gently picks ripe fruit selectively. In Chile and China, for example, ripe berries are picked individually to obtain high fresh quality.

In the Pacific Northwest and elsewhere in North America, ripe fruit is often harvested by rubbing fruit cluster or sometimes by “tickling” them between the thumb and index finger and catching the detached berries in the palm and then placing them in a small harvesting bucket. In contrast, MH involves the shaking of the entire bush with rapid action of shaking rods to move canes back and forth. The cane movement causes ripe berries that need less fruit removal force than green/red berries to be displaced from the fruit stem (pedicel) and fall onto catching surfaces. Experienced MH operators make slight adjustments on machine settings to obtain good selectivity (minimize green/red berry removal and maximize ripe fruit removal).

The blueberry bush can range from 3 to about 6 feet tall with fruit located from the tip of the canes to branches near the ground, which causes the berries located on the top part of bush to fall as much as 50 inches. When an OTR harvester picks blueberries and fruit falls from that height onto plastic catch plates and conveyor belts, one can hear berries hitting the hard catch surfaces.

Based on this simplified description of the blueberry MH process, it was apparent that the interaction between the machine and fruit should be better understood. To do this, we used a custom-made miniature electronic sphere called the BIRD (blueberry impact recording device developed at the University of Georgia) to measure the fruit impacts during MH process in 2010 and 2011. The BIRD sensor for this study weighed 14 g. The later version, BIRD II, was built to closely approximate the size and weight of a large blueberry (9/16-in diameter and weighed 6 g) (Figure 5).

Figure 5 . BIRD II (red sphere) connected with a 4-pin connector to a laptop to charge its internal battery, initiate impact measurements or download collected data to a laptop or mobile device.

Along with documenting fruit impacts with a BIRD, a closeup video camera recorded the harvesting to pinpoint critical control points where most impacts were created. The results showed that the drop to the plastic catch plates on the harvester accounted for over 30% of all impacts on the BIRD, followed by the drop from the grading belt on the harvester into an empty lug (20%). When the lug is filled with blueberries, fruit-to-fruit impacts occur, which are much lower than when the fruit fall into an empty lug.

Impacts created by the conveyor, including secondary bounce from the catch plates, and shaking rods combined for another 25% of recorded impacts. The remaining 25% of impacts that occurred before the sphere contacted the catch plate were classified as obscured impact events which could not be identified clearly from the video and were attributed to contact with the shaking rod, branches and the vertical tunnel panels. These measurements suggested that the most significant reduction in fruit impacts could be achieved by 1) Modifying the catch plates; 2) Reducing drop heights, either by restricting bush size, placing catching surfaces closer to the fruit or decreasing drop heights at other transition points; and 3) Placing softer surfaces at the transition points (e.g., at transfer points in the fruit handing equipment on the top of platform.)

The two parts of the impacts include the number of encounters between the sphere and different surfaces of the harvester and the magnitude of these impacts. In our study, the harvesting process was documented with video that recorded time-stamped impact events with the larger, heavier BIRD I sensor. Using these parameters, the OTR MH process was divided into four phases: Phase I (detachment and falling), Phase II (fruit hitting the catch plate/conveyor belt), Phase III (elevation from the conveyor/transfer belt to the top platform and conveyance through a trash blower) and Phase IV (dropping from the conveyor belt into the lug).

Results showed that for the rotary drum shaker, the BIRD sensor recorded an average of 18 impacts in Phases I to IV. During Phase I, it is assumed blueberries detached by fast-moving harvesting rods that shake left and right, impact branches as they fall and/or are flung out to the side panel. There were about five impact events in Phase I, but magnitudes of these impacts proved to be less significant than initially assumed. In Phase II, the BIRD contacted the catch plate and usually only one or two events were recorded. The magnitude of the impacts in Phase II was extremely high compared to impacts recorded in Phases I, III and IV. Our results strongly suggested that the high impact that the falling blueberries receive at the point of contact with the catch plate injures the fruit, resulting in fruit softening and larger bruise while the fruit is in storage (Figures 3 and 4).

Further analysis was performed by dropping the large, heavier BIRD I sensor onto a hard-plastic catch plate from different heights (6, 12, 24, 36 and 48 in) (Figure 6). As expected, the impact values (peak acceleration at impact (g) increased sharply linearly with increasing drop height, ranging from 280 g at 6 in to about 800 g at 48 in (data not shown). In subsequent studies, impact measurements were made using the smaller and lighter-weight BIRD II sphere by dropping onto soft surfaces created by placing cushioned padding on top of the hard plastic plates or by suspending the soft material (no hard surface underneath.)

Figure 6. The relationship between various contact surface materials and drop height. The impacts were collected with a BIRD II sphere dropped from different heights.

A wide range of impact values were obtained depending on the hardness of the catch plate (Figure 6). Impacts greater than 200 g were recorded on hard surfaces such as a stainless-steel sheet and a plastic catch plate even when the BIRD II was dropped from a height less than 30 cm (12 in). Gluing a soft surface to a hard surface reduced impact; however, this type of surface still created high impact above a one-foot drop height such that blueberries falling 30 inches onto such a surface would still be bruised. For example, the suspended foam sheet we used in our harvest-assist blueberry picking machine in 2017 generated less than 200 g even when the drop height was 42 in, but well above the 120 g at which ripe blueberries can be bruised by impact force. Only the netted fabric that acted like a hammock produced low enough impact force and kept the blueberries from getting bruised even when the fruit was dropped from a 48-in height. Thus, it was thought that replacing the hard, plastic fruit catching and collection surfaces with soft and durable catching surface materials and plate design features that prevent soft surface from contacting any hard surfaces underneath had the potential to improve the quality of MH blueberries and reduce bruise damage associated with high mechanical impact.

In terms of mechanical impact to blueberry fruit, our research has shown that bruise damage and the loss of firmness in MH fruit can be decreased by reducing space between blueberries on the bush and the catching surface to 12 inches in the case of hard plastic fruit catching surfaces or by modifying the fruit catching surfaces to create a softer fruit landing surface. Ideally, the fruit catching surface should not exceed 120 g impact even when the BIRD II is dropped from a height of 48 in (equivalent to the distance between the top of a large mature blueberry bush and catch plates on the harvester).

The design of soft surfaces can be achieved by either incorporating netted material or a soft “rubber” sheet with no hard surfaces beneath for catching the fruit (Takeda and Wolford, U.S. Patent No. 9,750,188 and the Oxbo SoftSurface kit). For example, even with a soft surface insert in a hollowed-out plexiglass catch plate, the margins of the plate contributed to more than 20% of the exposed surface area. In addition, catch plates on the harvester overlapped with adjacent plates and rested on top of another plate. The outline of the plate below another created about 10% additional hard surfaces.

When blueberries are HH, the packout is about 95% or better and fruit usually have little or no internal bruise damage (Table 1). The packout of MH blueberries is lower and typically ranges from 70% to slightly more than 80%. The remaining 20% consists of soft, overripe and immature green- and red-colored berries.

Table 1. Effect of catch surface (hard or soft) and drop height on internal bruise damage within one day of drop and after 14 days in cold storage (32 degrees F to 37 degrees F). Bruise damage is expressed as the percentage of cut surface area indicated by dark color (see Figure 4).

Commercial packing operations, for the most part, do not check for internal bruise damage in their MH blueberries. However, close inspections of MH blueberries packed into clamshells after sorting on commercial packing lines revealed berries were bruised (Figure 3, see page 4). Our studies evaluated different catch surface designs by inserting soft, flexible material to reduce internal bruise damage. We did record improvements in packout. However, neither the improvement in packout nor berry firmness approached that of HH fruit in the case of varieties Duke, Draper or southern highbush blueberry (SHB) Optimus even when they were harvested with OTR machines equipped with soft, flexible catch surfaces. The only exception to date has been the variety Last Call, where MH produced the quality approaching that of HH berries. MH of SHB Optimus produced higher-quality packout than other SHB varieties, such as Jewel, Star and Farthing, but even Optimus should not be cold-stored for more than one week. Our studies have shown that fresh market pack-out can be increased by installing a soft catch surface on the harvester, but the quality of HH blueberries has been better.


Cultivar Susceptibility

In a study conducted in Oregon, the susceptibility of 11 blueberry cultivars to impact damage was determined by dropping the fruit from 2-, 3-, and 4-foot heights onto a hard, plastic catch plate. Bruises developed more rapidly in rabbiteye cultivars (Ochlocknee, Powderblue and Overtime) than in northern highbush (NHB) and SHB cultivars. NHB cultivars Aurora, Cargo, Draper and Last Call had the least amount of bruising after two weeks in cold storage. Blue Ribbon, Legacy and Liberty had a moderate amount of bruising.

These studies showed that simulated drop tests are useful in determining the potential of varieties for long-term cold storage and, more importantly, their potential to MH for fresh market. In a study in 2020 in Oregon, Draper and Legacy were MH with two OTR Oxbo harvesters, one fitted with and the other without the SOFTSurface kit. To date, the challenge for Oxbo Corporation and other machine manufacturers has been to procure soft materials that meet food safety standards and are durable for harvesting blueberries.

The preliminary findings of this study were: 1) Machine harvesting with the SOFTSurface kit reduced fruit internal bruise damage in both Draper and Legacy fruits compared to those harvested with the unmodified OTR harvester as shown with a laboratory test (Table 1); 2) Draper and Legacy fruit harvested with the machine fitted with the SOFTSurface kit and sampled before sorting in the packing house were firmer compared to fruit harvested by the unmodified harvester; and 3) After one and two weeks in cold storage, there was no difference in firmness of berries harvested by machines fitted with and without the SOFTSurface kit.

We found that fruit firmness-based sorting by itself may not be a good predictor of berry quality when MH blueberries are cold-stored for two weeks or more, but both Draper and Legacy blueberries picked by the OTR machine fitted with the SOFTSurface kit maintained better fruit firmness (>160 g/mm) values and lower internal bruise ratings in cold storage (Table 1). The improvements in fruit quality may well have been from a 70% reduction in hard catch surface area in the SOFTSurface kit compared to the hard polycarbonate fruit catching surfaces in the regular harvesters. A laboratory test determined the effects of dropping blueberries from different heights onto either a hard (e.g., polycarbonate catch plate on conventional harvesters) or soft catch surface (e.g., prototype SOFTSurface kit) on internal bruise development (Table 1). Blueberries were sliced to visually assess bruise damage on the day of the drop test and after cold storage for two weeks.


Young (~3-ft-tall) and mature (6-ft-tall) trellised Last Call blueberry plants were either HH or picked with a modified OTR machine. Fruit samples from both methods were manually sorted and evaluated for internal bruise damage on the day of harvest and the remaining samples were placed in cold storage. Cold-stored samples were taken out after two and four weeks and evaluated for internal bruise damage (Table 2). On the day of harvest (zero days after harvest), about 80% of blueberries showed no bruise damage, and the remainder showed damage ranging from 1% to more than 50%. There was little change in internal bruise for samples from matures bushes that were either HH or MH. However, there was a dramatic decline in the percentage of fruit with no internal damage among the samples from machine harvesting of young plants.

Table 2. Percent of blueberries in each internal bruise damage (IBD) category as affected by hand harvesting and harvesting with a modified OTR machine and the age of ‘Last Call’ northern highbush blueberry immediately after harvesting and after two and four weeks in cold storage.

Our field observations of the Last Call bushes used in this study indicated that the canes of young plants were upright during the harvest and detached fruit fell straight down. In contrast, on the taller, mature bushes, the canes had grown well above the height of the trellis and they were leaning outward at the time of harvest. This placed the fruit away from the crown and less than 30 inches above the catching surface and may have contributed to reducing mechanical impacts in terms of numbers and magnitude, thus reducing the amount of internal bruise damage.


Sorting Out Bruised Berries

Blueberry growers in the Pacific Northwest and in Chile have expressed an interest in machine harvesting blueberries for the export market. The consensus among them is that the varieties for the export market must be firm and arrive at the destination in excellent condition after more than three weeks of cold storage and a transoceanic travel period. Our machine harvesting research has consistently shown that the MH blueberries generally had more internal bruise damage and shorter shelf life than the HH blueberries.

Commercial optical sorting equipment are now available for grading blueberries. In the last three years, HH and MH blueberries have been processed on commercial blueberry packing lines in Oregon and Washington equipped with an optical sorter (e.g., UNITEC, BBC and MAF). For each packing line, samples of Draper and Legacy were taken from lugs prior to unloading onto the conveyor system, and a second group of samples were collected after the fruit had gone through the optical sorting machine. Samples from both locations were assessed for bruise damage (% bruised area). The bruise data are presented in Table 3 in which the data are expressed in terms of how the samples were distributed (e.g., blueberries with no damage to those that were severely bruised.) The analysis indicated that sorting by optical sorters did not remove blueberries with moderate to severe internal bruise damage.

Table 3. Determination of internal bruise damage in machine-harvested Draper and Legacy blueberry samples collected from packing line locations either before or after inspection with an optical sorter. Samples were sliced through their equator and the bruised area was assessed visually as the percentage of sliced area and converted to a value between 0 and 5 using a 5rating scale: 0= no bruise, 1= 1% to 5% bruised, 2= 6% to 10%, 3= 11% to 20%, 4=21% to 50% and 5= greater than 50%.

Next, we compared the blueberry fruit firmness value with the area of internal bruise damage on the sliced surface. One would likely assume that softer fruit will have more bruise damage. Our results and those from a report by Chilean researchers showed that this was not the case as shown by the low correlation coefficient (r-value) for these two fruit quality parameters. Whether the fruit had been collected from the packing line before or after the optical sorting machine, the correlation coefficients for berry firmness and bruise damage were less than 0.4 in NHB cultivars. This suggested that optical sorters in commercial blueberry packing houses were not effective in removing blueberries with internal bruise damage.

Once more in the laboratory, we conducted drop tests in which HH Duke blueberries were dropped from a height of 62 inches to ensure that the samples would be bruised. A hyperspectral imaging system was used to locate and quantify bruise damage in each whole fruit (25 berries at a time). We then measured fruit firmness with a FirmTech II at the site of the bruise impact as determined by the imaging system. Then, the same fruit was rotated and additional firmness measurements were taken at 90 and 180 degrees from the bruised site.

The analysis showed that at the site of the bruise damage, the average fruit firmness was 149 g/mm. However, at the sites that were 90 and 180 degrees from the impacted location, the firmness was greater than 162 g/mm. This meant that a lower firmness value was detected when the damaged area was purposely used to determine firmness, resulting in a much higher r-value between fruit firmness and internal bruise damage values. Fruit that were firm at the time of packing (e.g., >180 g/mm value using a FirmTech II instrument) were found to have internal bruise damage exceeding 15%. In the near future, our research team will sort MH blueberries with this imaging system to separate whole unbruised and bruised blueberries and conduct postharvest quality evaluation for unbruised and bruised MH blueberries to determine the shelf life of each group with an eye toward exporting MH blueberries to distant Asian markets. Of course, taking this non-destructive imaging system from the laboratory bench to integrating it into commercial optical sorting machines for IBD detection and sorting is a challenge facing the machine manufacturers.



More blueberries for fresh market are being machine harvested.

Machine harvested blueberries have more internal bruise damage.

On-going research is developing a better understanding of what causes bruising and working with harvest machine manufacturer to reduce bruise damage.

New sensor technologies for blueberry sorting could assist in reducing bruised berries in fresh packs.

Our research has shown that to make MH more profitable for blueberry growers, the current OTR harvesters must be modified to reduce impact damage and ground loss. Cultivars with superior machine harvestability are being released by blueberry breeding programs, and research must continue to develop equipment capable of harvesting blueberries with less bruise damage. The sorting system on the packing line for MH fruit must be improved with a greater precision to eliminate fruit with severe internal bruise damage. This would ensure that the quality of MH blueberries going into clamshells would be as good as HH fruit. Blueberry growers in some regions can then contemplate having MH blueberries packed for export. Also, proper training and pruning of blueberry bushes to maintain a small crown can increase MH efficiency. These changes will help in making small, incremental improvements in increasing pack-outs and fresh quality of packed blueberries.

Finally, in order for MH blueberries to have quality that is as good as HH fruit, the blueberry industry needs to be willing to make changes by growing superior varieties, modifying how blueberry bushes are grown and harvested, and improving how the fruit is sorted. This will take a concerted effort from growers, breeders, horticulturists, engineers and supply chain specialists. These changes could lead to blueberry fields that look different from what we see today, with radically different ways of harvesting blueberries and technological advancements for sorting blueberries with the goal of improving the quality of MH blueberries going into clamshells.

In terms of harvesting and packing technology, it is envisioned that U.S. blueberry growers will be using robotic harvesting systems in the field or in warehouses with specialized automated or semi-automated harvesting machines that will avoid damaging berries, have better selectivity to reduce green berries picked and sort out over-ripe and diseased berries in the field. In packing houses, new non-destructive technologies are needed that will be capable of analyzing the blueberry fruit surface and below the skin and sort fruit for quality (large size, high sweetness, flavor, bloom, no bruise damage and color). These advances will facilitate market segmentation and high prices as one U.S. and several European blueberry distributors are doing already with HH blueberries.

This research was supported in part by the U.S. Department of Agriculture agencies (Agricultural Research Service (Project No. 8080-21000-028, National Institute for Food and Agriculture (Agreement No. : 2008-51180-19579 and 2014-51181-22471), Agricultural Marketing Service (FY 18 Oregon Department of Agriculture SCBG to WQY and FY18 Washington SCBG to LWD), U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council, Chilean Blueberry Committee and Naturipe Farms Blue Challenge.

Our gratitude goes to blueberry growers and packers in Waldo, Fla.; Alma and Homerville, Ga.; South Haven and Grand Junction, Mich.; Kingsburg and Stockton, Calif.; Hillsboro, Independence and Roseburg, Ore.; and Burlington, Prosser, Lynden and Sumas, Wash., and in Chile who provided much needed in-kind support to the harvest project. A special thanks goes to Oxbo International Corporation which has collaborated with the group since 2014.

Authors are employees of USDA-ARS (FT, fumi.takeda@usda.gov) Oregon State University (WQY, wei.yang@oregonstate.edu), University of Georgia (CL, cyli@uga.edu), Washington State University (LWV, lisa.devetter@wsu.edu) and University of Florida (SS, sasa@ufl.edu and JW, jgrw@ufl.edu).

Mention of trade names or commercial products in this publication is solely for the purpose of providing specific information and does not imply recommendation or endorsement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

Vineyard Nutrition for Berry Quality

Potassium demand in wine grape vineyards is highest during fruit ripening in mid- to late summer. Applications made after bloom jumpstart enzymatic action, including photosynthesis. Deficiency symptoms usually occur early into mid-summer, starting with color loss at leaf edges (photo courtesy Wilbur-Ellis Ag.)

Nutrition is an important part of managing a wine grape vineyard since it impacts vine growth, crop yield, berry composition and, ultimately, wine quality.

Grape variety, rootstock, vine age, soil type and irrigation supply along with yield and production and quality expectations all figure into a summer nutrition program.

Dr. Raj Madam, branded technologies manager for Wilbur-Ellis Agribusiness, said applications of macronutrients, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium as well as application of micronutrients must be timed and delivered to match plant demands.  Excess vegetative growth resulting from over-application of nitrogen can have a negative effect on sugars and berry color.

Vine function is affected when essential nutrients are not supplied. Severe nutritional deficiencies can be seen first in leaves. Unless corrected, the shoots, canes and fruit may also develop symptoms. Visual symptoms and leaf and soil analysis are all useful to evaluate nutritional status.

Dr. Madam said vines use 100 to 150 units of N per year, with 25 units per application. Applications of NPK are generally made just before bloom. This timing corresponds to a vine’s timing for N at fruit set just after bloom. Grapevines use nitrogen to build essential compounds including proteins, enzymes, amino acids, nucleic acids and pigments, including chlorophyll and anthocyanins of fruit.

Vine demand for potassium is highest during fruit ripening in mid- to late summer. Applications are often made after bloom when they serve to jumpstart enzymatic action including photosynthesis. Deficiency symptoms usually occur early into mid-summer, starting with color loss at leaf edges.

Vines use potassium to form sugars and starches for the synthesis of proteins and for cell division. Potassium also neutralizes organic acids and regulates the activity of other mineral nutrients in vines.

The form of potassium applied is also important for uptake by the vines, Dr. Madam said. The acetate form, such as the Wilbur-Ellis product Till-It® 70, is the most soluble for vine uptake, Dr. Madam said.

Magnesium is a micronutrient often overlooked in vineyard nutrient management, he added. It is the central component of the chlorophyll molecule, the green pigment responsible for photosynthesis in green plants. Magnesium also serves as an enzyme activator of a number of carbohydrate metabolism reactions.

Tissue sampling can be used to determine the vine’s nutrient status. Dr. Madam said there are wine grape vineyards where managers are vigilant about the nutritional status due to concerns with crop overload affecting quality. In Napa and Sonoma counties’ wine grape growing areas, he said four to five tons production per acre is a goal to ensure quality.


Freeze Damage Showing Up in Walnut Orchards

Severely freeze damaged 21-year-old Howard on Paradox seedling trees near Hamilton City. The damage is believed to have occurred November 10-12, 2020 (photo by L. Milliron.)

UCCE advisors are reporting numerous calls from walnut growers concerned about extensive damage in mature and young walnut orchards from a sudden freeze last fall.

Luke Milliron, UCCE farm advisor in Butte, Glenn and Tehama counties, and Janine Hasey, farm advisor emerita, said the damage in northern Sacramento Valley counties and northern San Joaquin Valley counties was caused by an autumn 2020 freeze, the third year in a row that freezing temperatures have affected walnuts.

Milliron said a temperature swing from near 80 degrees F to below freezing on in mid-November was the likely cause of the freeze damage.

According to UC Davis plant pathologist Dr. Maciej Zwieniecki, starch stored in tree limbs does not provide protection from freezing temperatures. Slow cooling over time is needed to initiate starch degradation into sugars which protect against ice formation in cells. Without a gradual hardening off in the fall, trees have less freeze tolerance.

Milliron said it appears that soil moisture at the top of the soil profile is a factor in freeze damage. He said most walnut growers who last irrigated in early to mid-October faced more severe damage than growers who irrigated later in October or early November.

Affected growers are being advised to wait until June or July to prune out wood that does not revive. Exposed areas where buds are breaking should be protected from sunburn by painting the southwest side of the trunks or limbs with tree paint or white latex diluted 50:50. Irrigation should be delayed due to less leaf surface. Milliron said that pressure chamber readings should be two to three bars below baseline to initiate irrigation. Overwatering freeze-affected trees damages roots and prevents canopy recovery.

Spring fertilizer applications should also be delayed when freeze damage is evident. Nitrogen should be reduced in relation to the expected yield reduction.

Removal of dead limbs is advised to prevent disease spread as they may be infected with Botryosphaeria or Phomopsis.

In the future, Milliron said, nitrogen applications should be terminated by the end of August. In young orchards, irrigation should be stopped in September until a terminal bud is set on the trunk to harden off the trees.

If there is inadequate rainfall by the end of October, both young and mature orchards should be irrigated to have moist soil going into November. If a freeze event is forecast, irrigation to fill the top foot of soil to field capacity is recommended. Care should be taken to prevent standing water in the orchard as it will make the soil surface colder.

Tactics to Suppress Western Flower Thrips

Multiple control options for western flower thrips are important to prevent development of pesticide resistance. Rotating among pesticides with different modes of action as well as cultural and biological controls are advised (photos by Jack Kelly Clark, UC IPM.)

An integrated approach is essential for successful management of western flower thrips (WFT), a serious insect pest in California lettuce.

Surendra Dara, UCCE entomology and biologicals advisor in San Luis Obispo County, said regular monitoring and use of multiple control options, including cultural and biological solutions, are involved in this process.

Multiple options are important, Dara said, because pesticide resistance can easily develop in WFT populations. Keeping WFT populations in the field under control while maintaining efficacy of existing pesticides requires understanding of WFT biology and feeding.

Adult female WFT insert their eggs into plant tissue. The first two instar stages feed on plant tissue and the second stages are non-feeding and reside in soil and emerge as adults.

WFT prefers to feed on flowers, but will also feed on developing buds, fruit and foliage.

While feeding on plant juices, WFT can also transmit Tomato spotted wilt virus. This pest is also the sole vector of Impatiens necrotic spot virus in lettuce.

Only the larval stages of WFT acquire these tospoviruses, and the adults transmit the viruses to other plants as they spread in the field.

Cultural control involves removal of weeds and host plants for WFT or viruses. Destroying previous lettuce crop residues will destroy surviving stages of WFT. Optimum plant nutrition can help lettuce withstand pest damage.

Dara said there are biostimulants or biological soil amendments for lettuce that help activate the plant’s natural defenses.

Biological control involves nurturing populations of predators, including lacewings, minute pirate bugs and predatory mites in the field.

Dara said that the insecticide and anti-feedant Azadirachtin alone or in combination with entomopathogenic fungi or insecticides could be used against multiple life stages of WFT for control. Pyrethrins can also be used alone or with other biological or synthetic insecticides. Botanical insecticides that contain soybean oil, rosemary oil, thymol and neem oil also provide control against WFT.

Insecticidal soaps or mineral oils can be used against different life stages of thrips. Dara said that Spinosad, and a mixture of spinosyn A and spinosyn D, is very effective for control. He noted that overuse of Spinosad could lead to resistance in thrips and other pest insects.

Dara lists several synthetic insecticides that are effective against thrips, noting it is important to rotate chemicals among different mode of action groups to reduce the risk of insecticide resistance. The active ingredients and modes of actions for thrips control are methomyl (1A), bifenthrin (3A), lambda-cyhalothrin (3A), zeta-cypermethrin (3A), clothianidin (4A), spinetoram (5) and cyantraniliprole (28).

Managing Citrus Irrigation in a Drought Environment

Sunburn on avocadoes leaves the fruit open to infection by a Botryosphaeria fungi, Dothiorello, or fruit rot. Sunburn is one of the conditions linked to poor irrigation management (photo courtesy UC Statewide IPM Program.)

Orchard irrigation management on the Central Coast of California can be challenging when fog and cool night and morning temperatures alternate with warm and dry days. Irrigation rates that exceed tree need or fail to meet it not only lead to production losses, but diseased trees.

In a UC Ag Experts webinar, Ben Faber, UCCE soils/water/subtropical crops advisor for Ventura and Santa Barbara counties, explained how to identify water stress-related symptoms and modify orchard management.

Avocado trees are sensitive to under- or over-irrigation, Faber said. Wilted leaves on a tree can be a sign of water stress, and also a signal that roots are suffering from lack of oxygen due to excess water. Avocado root rot, a serious disease, caused by the pathogen Phytopthora cinnamomi, thrives in excess soil moisture and poorly drained soils. Symptoms of this disease are small, pale leaves and a thinning tree canopy.

Irrigation management, gypsum, mounding, phosphonates and mulching can improve tree health, Faber said.

Phosphorous acid is registered as a fertilizer in California, Faber explained, but applications can act to rejuvenate root systems affected by root rot. The phos products are only effective on Phytopthora and pithium fungi.

Mulching is also an effective practice in an orchard. As it decomposes, it creates an environment that is hostile to Phytopthora. Botryosphaeria fungi are a common decomposer that, when feeding on dead root tissue, create enzymes that break down Phytopthora.

Another Phytopthora pathogen that affects citrus and avocado causes trunk cankers. Water hitting the tree trunks spreads the pathogen. This condition is treatable with phosphonate products as well, Faber said.

Drought and high salt levels can also be the cause of disease, poor tree growth and high insect pest levels. Most of these conditions are linked to poor irrigation management. Leaf loss, tip burn and sunburn on fruit are obvious symptoms in avocados. With citrus, the fruit is affected more than the tree. Dead tissue on leaves and fruit, Faber warned, will open the door to infection caused by one of the Botryosphaeria fungi, Dothiorello, or fruit rot. Phosphonate products will not help with those infections.

Salts can become more concentrated in orchards with poor irrigation management. While avocados are tolerant to boron, boron or chloride toxicity affects citrus. Avocados are more sensitive to sodium.

Lack of water also contributes to nutrient deficiencies as water is needed to move nutrients into the plants.

Water-stressed trees are also more prone to insect pests, including citrus red mite and Persia mite. Water-stressed trees have the opposite effect on Asian citrus psyllid, Faber said. Less new flush is found on water-stressed trees, drawing less ACP activity.


Capturing Verifli infrared image of bee hive



INDIANAPOLIS, IND. | APRIL 20, 2021 — The Bee Corp and Syngenta Seeds recently announced a partnership to trial Verifli hive grading technology on a pilot sunflower plot. Verifli is a technology that uses infrared imagery and data analytics to predict the size of the colony inside the hive without disturbing hives for manual inspection. This is the first time hive grading technology has been introduced in sunflower pollination. Planned to commence in June 2021, this trial will take place on seed production fields located in the Sacramento Valley area in California.

“We are continually leveraging digital technologies to enable data-driven decisions,” said Itacir Feldhaus, North America Seeds Production Research Leader at Syngenta.  “This partnership with The Bee Corp will allow us to test and prove Verifli has the potential to help Syngenta Seeds, growers and beekeepers to improve beehive management and pollination in seed production. If proven, Verifli will help make seed production more efficient and environmentally sustainable.”

Funding for this pilot study will come in part from the National Science Foundation (NSF) through The Bee Corp’s Phase II Small Business Innovation Research grant.

Hive grading, though vital to pollination success, is still often a heavily manual process. Verifli is stepping in to provide a solution that delivers consistent, accurate and objective data to ensure optimal pollination for successful seed production. With pollination being critical for seed production worldwide, this could open up Verifli to a $70 billion global market. The Bee Corp has built a strong foundation in successful almond pollination, and they are confident in Verifli positively impacting additional crop industries.

“We’re grateful to Syngenta Seeds and NSF for supporting our effort to introduce Verifli to more areas of agriculture production dependent on pollination,” said Ellie Symes, The Bee Corp Co-founder. “Standardizing how bee colonies are measured is a pressing need for growers of a wide-variety of crops who lack information on pollination effectiveness.”

Verifli is a digital hive grading service powered by infrared (IR) image analysis. The Bee Corp team uses Verifli to grade hives overnight when IR is most accurate. Growers wake up to results on Verifli’s hive strength dashboard, where they can assess pollination potential across different sites, compare beekeeper performance and pinpoint the location of weak bees. Verifli’s non-invasive technology allows early recognition of issues before they have detrimental impacts on crop yields.

“Though initially built for almond growers, we designed the Verifli platform to deliver objective hive strength data for all crops that rely on honey bee pollination,” said Wyatt Wells, The Bee Corp Co-founder. “Verifli offers a fast and reliable way for growers to evaluate pollination and for beekeepers prove the value they provide.”

Drive decisions from the palm of your hand with non-invasive, unbiased hive grading. Snap. Grade. Go about your day — with Verifli. For more information about The Bee Corp and Verifli’s new hive-grading technology, visit www.thebeecorp.com or contact info@thebeecorp.com.

Solutions Sought for HLB

Damaged citrus leaves due to Asian Citrus Psyllid feeding. Research is underway at USDA-ARS to understand how insects transmit plant pathogens and how pathogens manipulate host plants to ensure replication and transmission (photo courtesy USDA-ARS.)

Two emerging technologies aim to protect citrus production on a global level by altering the invasive Asian Citrus Psyllid’s (ACP) ability to feed and targeting ACP populations that are less adept at transmitting the bacterium that causes citrus greening.

Dr. Michelle Heck, a USDA-ARS molecular scientist, outlined the ongoing research in a Science for Citrus Health webinar hosted by UC ANR.

Heck is a member of the research team on a USDA-NIPA funded project: Therapeutic Molecular Evaluation and Field Delivery Pipeline for Solutions to Citrus Greening.

Her research program uses a combination of molecular, genetic and proteomics approaches to understand how insects transmit plant pathogens and how pathogens manipulate host plants to ensure replication and transmission. A second area of research is the development of new pest management tools to enhance cultural control and to provide new management strategies for insect vector-borne diseases in plants.

Heck said scientists are looking for molecules to control huanglongbing (HLB) to develop solutions for this disease based on multiple control points. This strategy will deal with the potential for developing resistance to a single molecule or mode of action. New therapies include nanobodies, RNA aptamers and antimicrobial peptides.

An important part of the molecular strategy, Heck said, is to improve the economics of delivery. Molecules for use in these strategies are expensive, and scientists are working on tools to allow them to be economically viable solutions, she added.

The RNA aptamers being studied block feeding structures of ACP, binding and blocking their function. How to deliver the RNA aptamers to citrus trees is part of continuing research.

Plant-based antimicrobial peptides are another potential solution. The peptides suppress growth of the bacteria that causes citrus greening. Another strategy for controlling ACP is use of insect neuropeptides and peptide hormones to control HLB. The neuropeptides may act in several manners to control HLB, including blocking Clas transmission through psyllid feeding disruption or inducing insect mortality.

Methods to deliver the molecules to the citrus trees include greenhouse delivery as plants are being grown or direct plant infusion into vascular tissue where the pathogen that causes HLB resides.

A long-term solution involves transgenics, breeding a citrus tree that is resistant to HLB. This would also be the most cost-effective solution to HLB, Heck said.

Not all populations of HLB transmit the HLB bacteria equally, Heck said. ARS scientists are using genomics to identify the genes that transmit the bacteria.

Meanwhile, her research team will continue to develop and deliver therapeutic molecules with commercial potential.

Drone Spray Efficacy in Alfalfa

Field studies in the Sacramento Valley compared the performance of a small six-rotor UAV drone sprayer versus a traditional manned airplane for applying insecticides for summer worm control in alfalfa hay fields, 2020 (photo by Ian Grettenberger, UC Davis.)

Drones are a viable option for aerial application of pesticides in alfalfa. UCCE Farm Advisor Rachel Long in Yolo County, along with Dr. Ken Giles, Dr. Xuan Li and Bill Reynolds from UC Davis, reported on field trials where drones were compared to fixed wing aircraft in pesticide applications for summer worm control in alfalfa.

The research team conducted two trials in Yolo County using the insecticide Prevathon. Fields were divided with one part sprayed by airplane and the other by a drone. Application rates were five gallons per acre for one field and ten gallons per acre for the second field.

Spray cards to assess coverage were set out in the alfalfa canopy prior to the pesticide application and plant samples were taken after the application to determine residue concentrations. Summer worm counts were also taken with a sweep net to compare efficacy of each spray application method.

In the UC ANR Alfalfa and Forage News, Long described the results of the trial. The spray cards showed that both the drone and airplane application had equivalent spray coverage. The drone application had more variability in deposition uniformity. This is due to refinement of airplane application technology over a 60-year period, Long noted, while drone applications need to be fine tuned for optimum pest control.

There were few differences in the residue concentrations of Prevathon between the airplane and drone for both spray rates.

Drones can be another tool for growers to use for aerial application of pesticides, Long wrote. California now has a specific UAV (unmanned) ag pilot license category where the pilot of the drone is not required to have a commercial pilot certificate, only the UAV certificate. Obtaining a California ag pilot unmanned license is now an established process.

Current limitation in the use of drones for aerial application on crops is a 55-pound weight limit on drone carrying capacity. Some drone companies have obtained certificates for handling more than 55 pounds in California, but Giles notes that only Yamaha has current certification for an over 55-pound spray application.

After three to four seasons of experience with the Yamaha carrying 220 pounds, Giles reports good deposition with insecticide in orchards for hull split sprays.

Drone technology is being used in China and other areas in Southeast Asia, but is not yet common in the US. Giles said use of UAV drones for pesticide applications is increasing.

Solarization in Strawberry Production Helps Control Weeds

Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo field experiments were carried out to determine if soil solarization can reduce weed and pathogen pressure and improve plant health and strawberry yields. Field trials also looked at the effect of sudangrass cover crops and if they enhanced effectiveness of soil solarization (photo courtesy Cal Poly, SLO.)

Solarization trials showed that 4 to 8 weeks of temperatures above 122 degrees F are necessary to kill the toughest weed seeds in soil.

Soil solarization uses clear, polyethelene material to cover irrigated ground and achieve high temperatures to kill soil pests including weed seeds. Research trials at the Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo organic farm were done to determine temperatures and time it took to kill weed seeds in the soil.

The field experiments were carried out to determine if soil solarization can reduce weed and pathogen pressure and improve plant health and strawberry yields in San Luis Obispo County. Field trial also looked at the effect of sudan grass cover crops and if they enhanced effectiveness of soil solarization.

Effectiveness of solarization is based on ambient soil and air temperatures and the intensity of solar radiation.

The time the tarp is left on the soil depends on the soil temperatures generated. In most cases, Cal Poly researchers report, solarization should raise the ambient soil temperatures between 10 and 20 degrees in the top six inches of the soil. Solarization is most effective when used during the summer months when solar radiation is high in sunny, warm climates.

Researchers also report that the best plastics to use are clear, one to three millimeters thick and UV-inhibited to prevent breakdown in sunlight. Cost for the material ranges from $150 to $300 per acre.

Summary of the solarization trial includes finding that solarization provided efffective weed control for three and a half months after tarp removal. Verticillium wilt populations were reduced 80.7% compared to non-solarized test plots. Solarized test plots experienced almost no disease pressure until late May when temperatures warmed. Solarized plants did experience disease pressure from charcoal rot, a warm season pathogen. Total plant mortality was higher in non-solarized plots with 35% compared to 16% in solarized plots. Solarized plots had higher strawberry yields.

Effectiveness of solarization depends not only on the temperatures achieved with tarping, but also on the weed seed and disease species present in the soil. In areas with cooler climates or frequent foggy or cloudy days during the summer, knowing temperature thresholds required to kill the pests in the field can be important in determining if solarization is a viable option.

Tracking the Spread of Ganoderma Infection

Rusty red spores cover a Ganoderma conk on an almond tree trunk. Other signs on trees are white rot and mycelium at infection sites. The fungus causes heartwood and sapwood to decay, reducing structural stability (photo by Bob Johnson, UC Davis.)

UC plant pathologists are currently conducting spore surveys to assess the spread of Ganoderma root rot in Central Valley almond orchards.

This disease, Ganoderma adspersum, is much more prevalent in the southern Central Valley where it was likely first introduced, said Daisy Hernandez, a researcher in the UC Davis plant pathology department. The fungus has recently been found further north in the valley, a sign that it is spreading.

This wood-rotting and airborne fungi causes trees to rot from the inside out, leaving weakened trunks at the soil line and causing infected trees to fall. There is no known control once trees are infected. Fourth leaf trees can be infected. Average age of infected trees is 14.

Conks, the fungal fruiting bodies, grow at the soil line on exposed roots and are a sign of a Ganoderma infection. Live conks are a brilliant white color on the underside and release rust-colored spores which often accumulate on the upper surface of the conk making it appear red.

Other signs on trees are white rot and mycelium at infection sites. The fungus causes heartwood and sapwood to decay, reducing structural stability.

Trees with Ganoderma infections show signs of general decline. There may also be a flat strip on the tree trunk or clefting at the graft union. Many infected orchards are first-generation and have a high incidence of conks. These produce “astronomical” numbers of spores, 12 to 40 million a day.

Hernandez said spread of Ganoderma infections in orchards is attributed to airborne spores from mature conks. A common factor among infected almond orchards is the sandy loam soil that allows for proper drainage. Hernandez said it might be possible that this soil type contributes to the fungus’ ability to spread via spores that percolate up to 60 centimeters into the soil. When the trees are irrigated, the spores infect roots that have become damaged during shaking for harvest and sanitation. Sweeping also promotes spore dispersal throughout the orchard. There is no evidence the infection spreads from root to root. Each infection is spore-related.

Conks on trees may be removed and destroyed to delay infections, but care must be taken to not cause further spread of spores in the orchard. Delay is the keyword here, Hernandez noted, as conks can regrow at the same site in five to ten weeks.
