
Silverleaf Nightshade: A Challenge in California Orchards

Silverleaf nightshade, Solanum elaeagnifolium, is a perennial weed native to South America, Mexico and the southwestern and southern U.S. It is widespread in California...

New Tools for Monitoring Vineyard Nitrogen

Accurate nitrogen monitoring and appropriate nitrogen management are crucial in California due to the state's unique environmental challenges and agricultural practices. N is essential...

Overcoming Objections in the Field: A Sales Pro’s Guide to Engaging California Growers

In the world of agricultural sales, particularly within the rich and varied landscapes of California, understanding and overcoming objections is paramount. As experienced sales...

Helping California Growers Maximize Profits in 2024

Putting a farming operation along a profitable path may seem like a simple proposition (spend less to produce the crop than the price it...